Huibert Evekink“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting.” ![]() After a year of pandemic chaos and ongoing recovery, we saw the ”new normal” for teams aligning with the principles we set out for Futureteaming back in 2016. It all feels like a long time ago. Most of us had to adapt to a world many times more complex, dynamic and virtual than ever before. Over the last five years, we distilled 24 essential behaviours that enable high-performance / high-risk teams to succeed in dynamic environments, whether it be cockpit crews, special operations units, surgical teams or agile software teams. We have adapted and grouped these “high-performance behaviours” in 6 areas: Psychological Safety, Clarity, Mindset, Relationships, Habits and Leadership. Experimenting and finding the right mix of these behaviours is essential for any team that wants to succeed in 2021 and beyond. Take the first step by taking the Futureteaming Scan. Let's have a look at what great teams do better: Psychological Safety
Our three tips for 2021
Every month, we will publish quick, practical and effective advice on how to navigate the different areas and build "high performance" behaviour into habits. Need some help or want to know more: get in touch with us! Good luck and all the best in 2021 from the Futureteaming crew
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