Cohesive, aligned and engaged teams are the lifeblood for performance in dynamic and global business environments; from leadership teams to project crews. To translate this opportunity into reality teams will have to reconnect & realign and then stay that way as the world is becoming increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
We help teams perform today’s complex & hybrid business environments using our TeamDrives™ framework. High performance teams excel in 6 areas:
- Psychological safety & feedback
- A clear sense of purpose & direction
- Relationships based on trust & commitment
- A resilient "move before you're ready" mindset
- Effective habits & working norms
- Leading self & serving others
You can expect the following outcomes from our workshops:
- The confidence and trust to have courageous discussion and feedback
- A clear baseline understanding – supported by data – of how "hybrid proof" the team is today and where it needs to grow
- A realistic co-designed plan for action, using the TeamDrives™ building blocks
- The ability to measure progress and follow-up workshops to secure and drive change
Feedback First: Boosting Organisational Performance through CLEAR+CALM Communication
'In today’s world, employee engagement is more important than ever, whether you’ve been managing virtual, cross-cultural teams around the world or whether you’ve embarked on your first leadership role. With Feedback First, you gain actionable insights through relevant tips and tools that will help you get results.'
– Daniel Del Olmo, President Sage Hotel Management |
PRAISE FOR FEEDBACK FIRST'It has been said that to avoid learning and growing, do nothing, say nothing, but end up, being nothing. In high-performance organizations, feedback is a sine qua non. Anybody interested in creating such organizations would do well to become familiar with Evekink and Becker’s CLEAR + CALM model that demonstrates ingeniously how to manage feedback from the giver and receiver’s point of view.'
– Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development and Organizational Change 'Feedback is not criticism. Feedback First shows us that knowing the difference could save your life or your job or your company.'
– Seth Godin, Author Linchpin 'Ken Blanchard said that ‘feedback is the breakfast of champions’ I personally believe that this is true and more important than ever. In a world which is changing so fast, receiving honest and constructive feedback is paramount to be able to adapt and stay relevant. At Amadeus we have been working with the CALM and CLEAR model as it sets the foundation for an agile and transparent culture.'
– Sabine Hansen Peck, Senior Vice President, People & Culture at Amadeus IT Group |